Wiltec Research has been measuring thermodynamic data
on a contract basis for close to 30 years

Laboratory services & capabilities: Wiltec Research Company, Inc. specializes in laboratory measurement of thermodynamic properties and in thermodynamics consulting. Founded in 1980, Wiltec has developed a wide range of expertise in laboratory techniques and in data correlation and modeling.
New product: Phase Equilibria of Mercury in Hydrocarbons and other Chemicals
Phase equilibria
- Mercury in hydrocarbons and chemicals
- Vapor-liquid equilibria
- Liquid-liquid equilibria
- Simultaneous vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid equilibria
- Solid-vapor or solid-liquid equilibria
- Infinite dilution activity coefficients
- Gas solubility
- Distillations
- Vapor-liquid equilibria
Thermophysical properties
- Vapor Pressure
- Liquid density
- Vapor PVT
- Critical point
- Enthalpy
- Heat capacity
- Heat of vaporization
- Heat of mixing
- Surface tension
- Viscosity
Chemical equilibria
- Reaction equilibria
- Reaction kinetics
- Heats of reaction
- Simultaneous chemical and phase equilibria
Download the current list of systems and measurements (118kb)
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Projects Done for the AIChE DIPPR Committee
All work done for the 805 and 851 committees since 1997 have not yet been published. Typically publication in JCED takes about 3 years from the time the work is completed.
Latest News
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eget elementm cursus eleifend el Aenan - 25/03/2010 - tellus doldibus
eget elementm cursus eleifend el Aenan